About Us

We Are Stewards of the Lake

In 1998 a group of Boot Lake Property Owners organized the Boot Lake Association with a mission of uniting the  Lake area property owners, residents, and others who share concern in preserving our lake, conserving our wild life, promoting education relative to these ideals, and offering opportunities for social activity.  In the spirit of this mission we should all remember that we are stewards of Boot Lake, we are “temporary” residents that are currently entrusted to protect our wonderful environment for all those that come after us.  Many of us were attracted to Boot Lake by the picturesque undeveloped shoreline and the pristine water clarity.  But Boot Lake, like the general trend with all Minnesota lakes, is undergoing increased lakeshore development.  The long time residents will tell you to look around Boot Lake and you will notice that in the past ten years almost 25 new docks have appeared on the lake.  And why not, a common dream of most of us was to have that “place on the lake”.  So with the increased lakeshore development and increased boat traffic on the lake we, as stewards of this beautiful lake, have to be aware of our responsibilities to ensure we maintain the preservation and conservation of this environment.

Here are just a few common sense items to keep in mind when practicing good stewardship:

  1. Remember to practice safe boating, e.g. using spotters when pulling skiers and tubers; using lifejackets for children and non-swimmers; yield to non-motorized vessels such as kayaks, canoes, pedal boats and sailboats; watch for swimmers in the water, etc.
  2. Personal Water Craft (PWC, i.e. Jet skis) should travel at slow-no wake speed within 150 feet of non-motorized vessels, shores or docks. PWCs should also travel at slow-no wake speed when passing through emergent or floating vegetation.  And State Law permits operation of PWCs between 9:30 AM and one hour before sunset.
  3. Store and secure loose articles in the boat to avoid litter flying from your boat when moving at higher speeds.
  4. Practice good shoreline maintenance.  Refer to this website for more information: http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/shorelandmgmt/index.html*

*The above website also will give guidelines on what can be done without a permit, with a permit and what can never be done to lakeshore.

Have a great time and see you on the water!!